Saturday 7 June 2014


We all know the analogy...'you may take the cow to the river, but you cannot force it to drink...'
There is a good reason the cow is at the river, it needs water...but is that the right time the cow needs to drink?
....ok, to the point...
we have tried to help one of ours in need at a particular time, but they "did not want to be helped", so we let them be. Let life teach them; they will learn the hard way ... etc ...
Like, really, did s/he need the money at the time? or they just needed reassurance?
Back to my analogy; the cow did not drink; probably it needed salt to lick, or graze on some clovers and weeds to get the much needed proteins, or it was bloated or in pain. Did you ask why the cow refused to drink?
Very often we complain of the fellows we try to help but they are just hopeless!! I am guilty as charged. But really, were we offering help, or just show-casing our abilities?
When you extend a helping hand and the help is "ignored", is it really help? Sure, some people are just hopeless, but most times, we offer no help at all..just extra burdens in the name of incentives!!
This reminds me of a time back when I was little and we went visiting a relative at shags. There was a severe drought at the time and the earth was parched. I think it was during the1997 drought... Anyway, my relative had this tethered heifer that was malnutritioned and dehydrated. And the first thing the adults offered was some dry hay sprinkled with salty water. This tactic works to make the dry hay a bit palatable...but the poor heifer was dying for water and was willing to drink the salt water!!! If only it had a small amount to just sip, am sure it would have gladly chewed on saltless tasteless hay. I don't know what happened after that.. but I still remember the look on its dry eyes when it saw salt water being sprinkled on the hay ... i think I saw tears (...anyway, you know me).
We all know someone who just refused help, but was desperate at the same time. What if we just took the time to SEE the REAL need this person has. Fine, she has financial problems, but is it really a job this person needs, or a pillar of mental support to be able to believe that they are worthy to be alive? He has a drinking problem and can't hold down his family; fine, the family needs the money, but he needs to know he CAN support his family even when the income is low. We sing to him how his health is in jeopardy, but what if he drinks hoping the alcohol will finally kill him and end his misery (easiest way to die; fall asleep and never wake up). What if I just told him that he is of immeasurable worth, that we love him and his family needs him? Maybe the drink will finally taste bitter...
How many people could I have helped by being human instead of a wallet or connection? I don't know, but I won't count. I will just do it. I will extend a helping hand, not swipe a problem out of my way.
Think of how you do things; use your heart from time to time.

This is Serenity!!!

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